The following collection of resources represents a collaboration between National Writing Project Teacher Leaders from across the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Created by expert teachers of writing, these student- and teacher-facing materials support writing-rich experiences in the genres of opinion / argument, narrative, and informative writing for students in grades three through eight.
Writing Rich-Classrooms utilize high-impact instructional practices to provide a variety of regular opportunities for young people to develop their skills as writers and thinkers. These educational experiences prepare students for on-demand writing tasks, like those on the Forward Exam, without relying on traditional “test prep.”
The following collection was designed to…
- Position writers as decision-makers
- Allow for risk-taking and reflection
- Occur with regular frequency
- Value process over product
- Provide asset-based feedback and opportunities to put feedback into practice
- Utilize multiple literacies: reading, writing, speaking, and listening
- Serve as low-stakes / ungraded practice experiences
The Wisconsin State Standards for English Language Arts articulates an overarching statement describing the standards for writing: Write routinely for a range of culturally-sustaining and rhetorically authentic tasks, purposes, and audiences over extended time frames (time for inquiry, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two). The resources in this collection were designed to support these types of writing experiences with a specific focus on:
- Anchor Standard W2: Compose writing for a variety of modes to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
- Anchor Standard W3: Select and utilize tools and strategies to develop effective writing appropriate for purpose, mode, and audience.
Characteristics of Writing-Rich Classroom Environments
Regular & low-stakes quick writes
Regular, un-graded opportunities for students to write and share writing / thinking. Prompts cross content areas and genres.

Deconstruction of Writing Prompts
Carefully breakdown a writing prompt, analyzing key elements (topic, task, audience, etc.), to fully understand what the prompt is asking and ensure writer can respond effectively.

Genre-Specific Instruction
Opportunities to focus on particular features or conventions of each type of writing. Provides students with access to context-specific structure, language, and organization.

Formative Assessment + Teaching with Student Writing
Identify opportunities to see what students know how to do and what they are ready for next. Lift up their writing for “glows” and “grows”.

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Third & Fourth Grade Resources
Animals (Supplementary resource to 4th grade EL Education Module 2: Animal Defense Mechanisms)
Explanatory / Informative
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Fifth & Sixth Grade Resources
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