Youth Press Corps

Do you find yourself curious about the news and what role it plays in our society? What role do journalists play in presenting that news? Whether you want to become a journalist or you crave understanding of the legitimacy of the news presented to you, this fun camp is for you.

Registration Now Open!

Who: students entering grades 7-12

When: August 4-8; 9AM – 2PM

Where: The CapTimes Newsroom

Cost: Early Bird Registration (before May 1, 2025) $350, Regular Registration (after May 1, 2025) $400

Note: GMWP summer youth sessions are open to all young writers. If the registration cost presents a barrier to participation, please get in touch for needs-based assistance.

Questions? Contact us:

Read the published articles by the reporters of the Youth Press Corps! From polarization to climate change, immigration to COVID challenges, affordable housing to LGBTQ+ issues, our intrepid journalists report on stories that matter.

Exploring politics, climate change, and more, young writers learn the craft of journalism

Young Madison writers learn journalism in Youth Press Corps 2023