2019 Alumni Institute

The Alumni Institute is designed around three key characteristics of all GMWP members: Writer, Teacher and Leader.


Alumni Institute participants will write “My Writing Project Journey” and will work with a writing response group to support the development of this piece and any other personal writing they want to take on.  Writing response groups will meet daily; all participants will share “My Writing Project Journey” at the end of the week.


Alumni Institute participants will work in professional practice/inquiry groups and complete a professional practice project. Professional practice/inquiry projects will be an exploration of some aspect of your teaching you want to inquire into and share publicly. These projects may take the form of an article, a TW to be shared with your staff or at a GMWP Saturday Session, a conference proposal and presentation, a series of blog post, etc. The professional practice group will support the drafting, revising, and editing of these projects; all participants will share their professional projects on Thursday.


Get involved with existing or upcoming GMWP projects. You’ll have the opportunity to “pitch” projects the GMWP should do. You can devise a WP type experience for your school / colleagues.  What it is about the writing project experience that made it meaningful to you and how can we make more of it happen? Creativity and novel ideas encouraged!

All the details…

Dates: July 8-12, 2019

Location: Madison Country Day School

Cost: $250

Orientation: Tuesday, May 7, 2019 5-8PM

 Sign up today!